High Stakes Duel is a popular poker show built on hedz-up matches among high limits players. In each next round of show-in shows double. The winner can take money only in case of three victories in a row.
In the last round of High Stakes Duel, a valid champion Phil Helmut could pick up $ 1,600 000. But on the third attempt "White magician" They won. Annoyed by the defeat of Jakeon Kun Helmut immediately refused revenge, after which Pokergo was announced in Twitter looking for a new duelant.
The first reaction in the comments came from Viktor Malinowski. The new hedz-up has not been officially reported, although a Polish poker wrote directly on social networks: "Need $ 1,600,000 for hedz-ape. I have a crypt. His message retired Pokergo on his official page.
Hedz-up between Jason Kun and Viktor Malinowski Interesting millions of poker fans. The American has over $ 40,000,000 in offline, the Pole has chopped their multimillion -dollar capital in online. In addition, Malinowski is very fond of hedz-up duel: "limitless" spent matches with Linus "Llinuslove" and Stefan "Stefan11222", And with Fyodor Holtsa played with a cigar in his teeth, drinking wine. Fans are preparing to see a new show.
If Malinowski wins, in the next round of High Stakes Duel, he needs to find a rival who can find $ 3,200,000 for meeting him. Kun’s triumph practically guarantees a American victory on the show.